Cocktails Mix

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Posted by Cocktails 23- Oct- 2010 0 comments

cocktailsMartini, Whisky Sour, Manhattan, Margarita, Bloody Mary, Tom Collins and Screwdriver have become words that are featured in the menu of any bar worth its counter worldwide! Cocktails have become a cult of alcoholic beverages that people consume for reasons ranging from shaking off a hangover to sealing a business deal.

The factor behind cocktails that appeals to most people is that it allows for discreet indulgence without forsaking class, yet without seeming elitist. People who like to enjoy the possibilities, rather than the pedigree of alcohol prefer to purse their lips across the rim of a cocktail glass rather than pore, ponder and pout over a wineglass.

Cocktails are seen as an informal, yet appropriate choice during occasions such as formal banquets and lunch interviews. Nursing a colorful cocktail indicates an evolved taste, pointing to an attitude that will not settle for conventional choices. Further, they are seen as ‘balanced’ drinks as opposed to wine, beer and spirits which are all associated with some degree of impropriety or worse, intemperance.

cocktailsSpeaking of balance, no other alcoholic beverage achieves equilibrium between health and ‘high’ time as a cocktail. Many cocktails derive their definition from fruit juices, tea and coffee extracts and other nourishing liquids upon which they are based. Many cocktail recipes call for orange, tomato and pineapple juice the wholesome qualities of which are not reduced by a dash of alcohol. Grenadine, which is rich in antioxidants and minerals, is a popular ingredient in many cocktails. All these reasons have made cocktails a favorite drink of millions in many countries.

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